The 4th ISMAR Doctoral Consortium (DC) will take place as part of ISMAR 2015 on 3 October, the next day of the main conference days. The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to create an opportunity for PhD students to present their research, discuss their current progress and plans, and receive constructive criticism and guidance regarding their work and future career objectives. The Doctoral Consortium is structured around doctoral student presentations and in-depth discussions between the students and mentors.
All submissions to the Doctoral Consortium will be reviewed with a view to selecting a group of students best positioned to receive and act on constructive feedback: the ideal candidates are those students who are in the early stage of PhD dissertation research or have just proposed their dissertation topic for their PhD candidacy. The accepted submissions will be selected for presentation at the ISMAR2015 Doctoral Consortium and at the conference poster session.
Accepted students will receive complementary registration to ISMAR 2015. The accepted DC papers will be included in the conference USB distribution.
Doctoral Consortium submissions should be a 4-page (or more) description of the applicant’s dissertation work. Detailed information on Doctoral Consortium submission can be found in the following guidelines:
Submission Guidelines:
The submission should contain the following content:
The DC will have a full day of presentations and discussion by participants and mentors on Saturday 3 October. Each student will get a 1-hour slot, which consists of the student’s 25-mintue presentation detailing their dissertation research, general question & answer, and constructive critiques from the designated mentor(s). Furthermore, the accepted students will be expected to create a poster (same size as poster presenters) to be placed (and participate) during the conference’s poster session.
We welcome applicants from a broad range of disciplines and approaches that align with the two main tracks of the ISMAR conference: Science & Technology (S&T) covering emerging technological capabilities of MR/AR and the Media professionals, Artists, Social Scientists, Humanity scholars and Designers (MASH’D) program covering the human side of technology application.
All submissions will be acknowledged by email; submissions received after this date will not be considered. The submission should be e-mailed to the ISMAR 2015 DC co-chairs, at dc_chairs[at]
ISMAR 2015 DC Co-Chairs (dc_chairs[at] :
Dr. Yoshinari Kameda, University of Tsukuba
Dr. Winyu Chinthammit, HIT Lab AU, University of Tasmania
Dr. Mark Billinghurst, HIT Lab NZ